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overall accuracy中文是什么意思

用"overall accuracy"造句"overall accuracy"怎么读"overall accuracy" in a sentence


  • 总的精确度
  • 总精度
  • 总体精度
  • 总准确度


  • The overall accuracy of class 1 was greater than that of the other classes
  • The tester looks for variety of sentence structures as well as the overall accuracy of your essay
  • The overall accuracy and kappa index are calculated by using the error matrix to check up the classification ’ s accuracy
  • My column is read by an editor - - but only to double check facts and overall accuracy , grammar , spelling
  • For the final products of lup , the overall accuracy of the classification is 87 . 6 % with a kappa coefficient of 0 . 863 , tested using 2745 samples
    作为最终的土地利用图, 2745个样本的测试表明:总体分类精确度达到了87 . 6 % ,卡帕( kappa )系数为0
  • With the above method , a system of disambiguation is materialized . the overall accuracy of close test is 97 . 85 % and the accuracy of open test is 96 . 71 %
    按照上述策略,实现了一个兼类词处理系统,闭式标注正确率达97 . 85 ,开式标注正确率达96 . 71 。
  • It is certainly possible that a given analysis engine may request more than one type of measurement be taken to improve the overall accuracy of the resulting estimate ( s )
  • After you review your project plan for overall accuracy and completeness , you fine - tune your schedule even more by making trade - offs among scope , resources , and time - the three main factors that shape a project
  • The root cause of this is that before the constantly changing analog signals from thermocouples or resistance thermometers can be processed digitally , an analog - to - digital conversion process is necessary , often resulting in loss of overall accuracy and measurable time delays
  • The main conclusions are following : ( 1 ) compared with the conventional mlc , the method of iterative prior probability based on the vector map can dispel the prior probability ’ s influence and the overall accuracy and kappa index can be improved ; ( 2 ) to the types with greater area than average area of all types , the producer ’ s accuracy will be improved while user ’ s accuracy be lessened , but to the ones with smaller area , the situation is just the opposite
    本研究的主要结论是: ( 1 )与传统的最大似然法分类相比,利用地理数据矢量化得到的先验概率进行迭代,可进一步消除先验概率对最大似然分类法分类结果的影响,使分类总精度和kappa指数有进一步提高; ( 2 )分布面积大于平均值的类别,生产者精度一般会变高,使用者精度会变低;分布面积小于平均值的类别,生产者精度一般会变低,使用者精度会变高。
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